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Adapt BaseCamp to Specific Product Requirements


We will add a description how to use the online Admin Panel soon.

Meanwhile, see here:


The following sections are a functional description of the subsystems of BaseCamp.

Charging subsystem

The charging subsystem contains all modules that are responsible for the charging logic, car communication and hardware drivers related to a single charging port. For multiple charging ports the whole subsystem can be duplicated.

It depends on the Authentication subsystem to authorize charging sessions and on the Energy management subsystem to allocate the energy budget for the charging process.

The main module of this subsystem is the EvseManager. It contains all the logic and state machines for one CCS AC or DC charging port.

Let’s build an AC charging port step by step. Start with the EvseManager module. For a simple AC charger, the default configuration of the module is sufficient.

First, we add a board support module. This is the most important hardware driver.

In this example, we use the YetiDriver module which is the BSP driver for the BelayBox. Check the configuration of the module; it should be correct for the BelayBox. Click on the (i) button to learn more about each configuration setting.

Yeti Driver Configuration

The first connection is for the mandatory evse_board_support interface.

It implements the following functionality:

  • Control Pilot Signal (CP): Set PWM duty cycle in X2, State X1/F, report states A-F
  • Set allow relays on/off flag
  • Report PP resistor (if used)
  • Report AC input current / phases capabilities of the system
  • Stop charging button input

Yeti Driver connected to EVSE Manager

As you can see, there are two more connections between the YetiDriver and the EvseManager. Those are optional:

  • connector_lock (if used in the hardware):
    EvseManager requests locking/unlocking of the connector lock (for AC Type 2 Sockets)

  • ac_rcd (optional):
    Reports information about the RCD module in an AC charger. This is only used for telemetry and error reporting to the cloud, the actual shutdown needs to be handled in hardware.

These two modules already allow basic AC charging functionality. Next step is to add a power meter to allow for invoicing the charged amount of energy. It may not be needed e.g. in a private installation.

You can use any hardware driver module that provides a powermeter interface implementation. For the Belaybox, we could have used the powermeter implementation of the YetiDriver (which uses the Yeti onboard metering). In most configurations, an external DIN-rail power meter is used with an RS485/ModBus connection, so we use the GenericPowerMeter module here:

Power meter connection

The GenericPowermeter is a module that can easily be adapted to most ModBus-based AC power meters by specifying the register mappings in the configuration of that module. It requires a SerialCommHub module to do the actual read/write to the serial RS485 port of the system. This is a separate module as multiple device drivers may use the same serial bus, so they can all be connected to the same SerialCommHub module. Make sure to configure the correct serial device and baud rate.

Note that there are two optional requirements for power meters in the EvseManager: powermeter_grid_side and powermeter_car_side. The first one should be used if the power meter is measuring on the AC input side, the second one should be used if it is measuring the output power to the vehicle. It is ok to connect both if you have two power meters. For AC, one is generally sufficient. For DC, two meters on AC and DC side may be useful.

Next step is to add ISO communication, if support for AC ISO15118-2 is desired:

ISO Communication Connection

Three modules have been added:

EvseV2G: Implementation of ISO15118-2(AC/DC) and DIN SPEC70121(DC). Connects to the hlc/ISO15118_charger requirement of EvseV2G. Make sure to set the “device” config option to the ethernet device of the PLC modem. Leave the other options on default for now.

EvseSecurity: Handles certificates and private keys for TLS/PnC. We will connect it here even though PnC is not enabled yet.

EvseSlac: Implementation of ISO15118-3 (SLAC) to pair the PLC modems of the EV and the EVSE at the start of the session. Make sure to configure the same “device” as used for the EvseV2G. The two must point to the same PLC modem.

To actually enable ISO 15118, some settings in the EvseManager module need to be adjusted:

Enable ISO 15118

The recommended setting is to use ac_hlc_enable, which allows ISO 15118-2 sessions on AC. In this configuration, nominal PWM (>10% duty cycle) will be used the same way as it is used for basic charging (non-ISO) sessions. This is the most interoperable way that charges all cars, even if they do not support ISO 15118-2 on AC. All other options will only charge a subset of EVs out there.

Some cars however may not use ISO at all if they detect nominal PWM - even if they support ISO 15118-2. You enable set ac_hlc_use_5percent to start with 5% duty cycle PWM on CP similar to DC charging.

Several cars will now use ISO communication for AC. The downside is that there are cars that cannot be charged at all, because they allow only DC to be used when 5% signaling is enabled. (They violate the ISO 15118-3, but many car implementations do it that way.)

With this setting, BaseCamp may switch back to nominal PWM from 5% in accordance with the ISO 15118-3 regulations. Some EVs may cancel ISO communication in this case, even though the standard clearly states differently.

For those EVs, you can set the ac_enforce_hlc option to "true". Then, the 5% PWM will be used throughout the complete charging session as it is done for DC. This is not allowed according to the standard though.

For completeness, we’ll also add a PersistentStore module to the kvs/persistent_store requirement of the EvseManager. This is needed to persistently store charging session information e.g. for German Eichrecht requirements. It may not be needed in simple configurations.

Persistent Store Connection

For AC, we are complete now.

Let’s build a DC charging port using the phyVERSO board. Start with the EvseManager again and adjust one setting to switch it to DC mode:

Switch to DC Mode

The basic configuration looks similar to the AC one. We just exchanged the YetiDriver with the PhyVersoBSP driver and connected the connector_1 interface for evse_board_support to EvseManager. Note that connector_lock and ac_rcd are no longer needed on DC.

The second port of the phyVERSO will not be used here but could be connected to a second EvseManager. Check the configuration options and especially verify serial port, baud rate, capabilities and reset GPIO. They should be correct on the default phyVERSO Board.

Basic DC Connection

The power meter has been replaced by an LEM driver, which is a power meter often used for public DC charging. It is connected via ethernet, so no SerialCommHub is needed. Verify the correct target IP is set.

Then, we will need to add the additional hardware drivers required for DC charging:

Additional DC Hardware Drivers

For the DC power supply, a Huawei driver was added here to the power_supply_DC requirement of EvseManager. Set the correct CAN device. As isolation monitor, the Bender isoCHA driver was added. As it is a modbus device, it requires a SerialCommHub again - the same way as the GenericPowerMeter in the AC configuration. Make sure the settings for the serial port are correct.

Both of the AC and DC example configs will not yet charge a car. They still need two things from the other subsystems:

  • Energy from the energy management system
  • Authorization from the Auth subsystem. If you don’t need any Authorization, you can also disable this requirement by setting “disable_authentication: true” for EvseManager.

Authentication subsystem

Let's add a simple authentication subsystem to the charging part we just created. Start by adding the Auth module. It is the central logic core of this subsystem and manages all incoming tokens, validations and reservations. Connect it to the evse/evse_manager implementation on EvseManager. Through this interface, it will authorize the charging sessions. If you have multiple charging ports (multiple EvseManagers) you can connect all of them to the same Auth module. The Auth module will then manage multiple ports.

Authentication Subsystem

To do anything useful, the Auth module requires two things:

  1. Auth token providers: They are sources of auth tokens, e.g. RFID readers etc that output tokens (but do not know whether they are valid or not).

  2. Auth token validators: They can tell whether a token is valid or not.

Move the token_provider requirement to the right. The first auth token provider that we will connect is the auth_token_provider implementation of the EvseManager. This is needed for features such as "Plug and Charge" and "Autocharge", where the EV is used as a token to authenticate the charging session.

Add Plug-and-Charge and Autocharge Feature

Next, we can connect an RFID reader as a second auth token provider:

Add RFID Reader

Now, let’s add a very simple token validator:

Add Token Validator

The LocalWhiteListTokenValidator module takes a simple ASCII file (see config) with one line per token. All tokens listed in this file are considered valid, all others are invalid. With this Auth system, we already have a very simple version that can be used to authenticate RFID tokens, that have been previously added to the whitelist file.

OCPP sub-system

Especially for public charging stations, authentication is done via a cloud backend instead of a simple local whitelist. For this, we use OCPP 1.6 in this example. OCPP 2.0.1 can be used in a similar way by using the OCPP201 module instead.

OCPP is both a token provider and a token validator.

It provides tokens when a RemoteStart / RequestStartTransactionRequest command is issued, and it is used as a token validator if e.g. an RFID or Plug&Charge contract should be validated in the CSMS. So we will connect both of those connections and remove the local whitelist. OCPP has its own internal local whitelist and cache implementation, that is according to the standard:

Remove Whitelist

OCPP requires several connections. Let's go through them step by step:

  • auth_token_provider and auth_token_validator are the main ones for remote start and token validation functionality. Connect them to the Auth module.
  • auth interface needs to be connected to the Auth module. This connection is mostly used to set the connection timeout setting via the OCPP protocol.
  • reservation interface is used to reserve/cancel reservations of connectors via OCPP from the CSMS.
  • OCPP also requires a connection to the EvseSecurity module, which is now shared between OCPP and EvseV2G. OCPP requires it to load the certificate / keys for TLS to the CSMS. OCPP can also update/install certificates for both OCPP and ISO 15118 from the CSMS.
  • OCPP requires a helper module for system-specific implementations (OTA update, logfile collection and upload). Here, we use Linux_Systemd_Rauc from BaseCamp, which is the default implementation using systemd for log collection and RAUC for OTA updates. This in turn requires a persistent Store module, which is shared here with the EvseManager.

For OCPP detailed configuration, check the BringUp & Qualification chapter for OCPP.

Now, we have a configuration that can be used in public environments. It supports authentication via OCPP for RFID tags, and - since the LEM power supply is used on the DC port - German Eichrecht compliant metering with OCMF-signed meter values forwarding to the cloud.

Energy management subsystem

The last subsystem missing is the Energy management. In BaseCamp, the energy management distributes energy between charging ports. It is also needed if only one charging port exists.

Multiple connectors

In order to support multiple charging ports, the charging subsystem will need to be loaded multiple times (also duplicating all direct dependencies), but Auth and Energy management subsystems are used only once.

Here is an example for two charging ports (leaving out the dependencies of each functional block / most connections for clarity):

Multiple Connectors

Most drivers implement only a single instance. So e.g. drivers for isolation monitors, SLAC, ISO protocol etc all need to be duplicated when EvseManager is duplicated.

A few driver modules also have two implementations of one interface. A good example is the PhyVersoBSP, which is the driver for a dual port controller in one module - so it supplies two separate CP pins etc to two EvseManagers (again removing most other modules for clarity):