This chapter describes the BaseCamp HW Drivers that are supported natively by BaseCamp. The components here are prequalified by PIONIX to work with BaseCamp to ensure the quickest path to production.
Isolation Monitoring Devices
Bender ISOMETER isoCHA425
You can find more information about the device here:
Here are the most important specifications:
- RS485/ModBus connection to BaseCamp
- Up to 1000 V DC with AGH420-1/AGH421-1
- <10s response time
- Firmware <5.00: CableCheck time: Self test ~22s + 10s response time, can be used with IEC 61851-23:2014, but cannot be used with IEC 61851-23:2023 certification
- Firmware 5.00 will improve CableCheck time to allow usage with IEC 61851-23:2023 (not available from Bender at the time of writing)
- AGH421-1 allows full disconnection from the DC wires to allow for multiple IMDs on the same wires, one active at a time
- Measures DC output voltage
- Measures voltage between DC+/DC- and PE as well
- Two separate relays to trigger in case of errors
BaseCamp supports this device with the “Bender_isoCHA425HV” module.
The module requires a “SerialCommHub” module to be loaded as well for the
ModBus communication.
All settings of the device can be adjusted in the module configuration.
The error output relays should be wired directly to the DC output relay of the charger to enable a low-level emergency shutdown functionality which works independently of BaseCamp, see architecture chapter.
BaseCamp will read the isolation resistance values and switch off if they fall below 100 kOhm as well, but safety certification should not rely on the Linux system.
DOLD Isolationswächter RN58XX
Support for this device is planned but not yet implemented.
It does not measure the voltage between DC+/DC- and PE, this would need to be covered by separate hardware.
Contact us if you plan to use this device.
Acrel AIM-D100-T
PIONIX is working with Acrel to support this device, it is not implemented yet.
At the time of writing, this device does not support the start of self-test via a ModBus command. Hence, certification with IEC 61851-23:2023 is not possible.
NF/RFID Readers
While not yet in the released version, most NXP chips can be supported.
Contact us with your requirements.
This module implements auth_token_provider interface. It reads data from NXP NFC frontend chips via NxpNfcFrontendWrapper (hosted separately due to licensing reasons). The variety of hardware supported by NxpNfcFrontendWrapper is limited by the time of writing (only CR663), but could be extended, without requiring modification of NxpNfcFrontendTokenProvider.
The module will publish a token to be consumed by matching modules as soon as the NFC chip detects a compatible RFID card.
AC/DC power supplies
Huawei R100040Gx
The device is supported by BaseCamp with the “Huawei_R100040Gx” module.
Most important specs:
- 40 kW ACDC with 150 V - 1000 V output
- low noise fan design
- ultra compact
- automatic switching between series and parallel mode
- stackable
- CAN bus interface
In the driver configuration, set the addresses of the modules that are used by this driver. If empty (default), it will use all modules that it can find on the CAN bus.
If using multiple modules in a stacked configuration, connect the outputs in parallel and connect all modules to the same CAN bus. Then specify all module addresses in the module configuration.
Huawei V100R023C10
Support for this device is work in progress and not available in the release version of BaseCamp yet.
It will be part of an upcoming BaseCamp release. Setting it up is a bit more complex. Contact us if you plan to use it already now.
Most important specs:
- Central power unit architecture with satellites, up to 740 kW
- 150 V - 1000 V output, up to 12 satellites
- Ethernet communication with BaseCamp
Infypower BEG1K075G
Supported by BaseCamp with the “InfyPower_BEG1K075G” module. Stacking of multiple modules is not yet supported by the driver.
Most important specs:
- 22 kW bidirectional AC/DC
- up to 1000 V output voltage
Make sure to update the module to the latest firmware version - older firmware versions on this converter are known to have bugs that could result in hardware damages. New firmware is available from InfyPower.
UUGreenPower UR1000X0
Both the 30 kW and 40 kW uni-directional modules from UUGreenPower are fully supported by BaseCamp with the “UUGreenPower_UR1000X0” module.
The bidirectional versions are not yet supported, but support is planned for an upcoming release of BaseCamp.
Most important specs:
- 30 / 40 kW AC/DC
- up to 1000 V output voltage
- automatic series / parallel switching implemented in driver. Can be fixed to series or parallel mode in configuration.
If multiple modules are used in a stacked configuration, you must set the “module\addresses” configuration parameter to the addresses of all modules in the stack.
By default, it uses the broadcast address. With multiple modules, this will result in each module delivering the full current to the EV instead of sharing the current.
Support is planned for an upcoming release of BaseCamp.
Support is planned for an upcoming release of BaseCamp.
Power meters
DC: LEM DCBM400/600
This power meter is fully supported by BaseCamp a (LemDCBM400600) driver.
It supports German Eichrecht regulations and Eichrecht-compliant fault recovery:
- After power failure of the complete unit, the transaction is closed with the correct signed meter value from the moment the power loss happened. It is then also closed in the CSMS if OCPP is used.
- If a communication loss happens during charging, charging is stopped. If the communication is re-established before the EV unplugs, the signed meter value is used to close the transaction in the CSMS. If it does not re-establish before the EV unplugs, the transaction cannot be billed (and no signed meter value will be used to close the CSMS transaction).
Version V2 is required to really be Eichrecht-compliant. The driver auto-detects V1 and V2 hardware versions and supports both.
DC: Acrel DJSF1352
This is a simple DC power meter with no Eichrecht support. It uses ModBus/RS485 and requires a SerialCommHub module to work.
The driver is implemented in the “AST_DC650” module using the SLIP protocol. Eichrecht support is not complete in the driver in the current release for all fault cases, but this will come in an upcoming release.
There is a possibility to use it with a REST-based API similar to the LEM.
Contact us if you plan to use this power meter.
DC: Carlo Gavazzi DCT1
The power meter is supported by the “CarloGavazzi_DCT1” driver in BaseCamp.
It supports all basic functionality. ModBus communication requires a SerialCommHub module to be loaded as well.
The power meter has the ability to sign meter values, but at the time of writing, this is not possible in an Eichrecht-compliant way. (The additional field of the OCMF cannot be specified by BaseCamp).
The driver is implemented in the “DZG GSH01” module using the SLIP protocol.
Note that you need an extra serial port - it cannot be shared with e.g. other ModBus-based devices.
Eichrecht and OCMF handling is implemented, but handling of some fault cases may need to be added.
Contact us if you are planning to use this driver in your product.
DC: Isabellenhütte IEM-DCC
This power meter is not yet supported by BaseCamp, but it is planned for an upcoming release.
AC: GenericPowermeter
The GenericPowermeter driver has support for most ModBus-based AC power meters. It supports a yaml configuration file for register mapping to adapt to new power meters.
Example register mappings are included for the following power meters:
- Eastron SDM72DM, SDM72DM-V2, SDM230, SDM630-V2
- Klefr 693x - 694x
For all non-Eichrecht power metering, this should be easy to adapt.
AC: Iskra WM3M4 & WM3M4C
There is a community driver in the “RsIskraMeter” module. Eichrecht support is implemented, some fault cases may require additional handling.
Power line modems
The following power line modems are supported in the EvseSlac module. The chip is detected automatically, but each chip may require some configuration for a real product.
Qualcomm QCA7000/7005/7006
Fully supported including proprietary extensions for link detection and chip reset.
It is recommended to enable “do_chip_reset” for all Qualcomm chips. This will reset them after each charging session for improved stability.
If it is booting from the internal flash and correctly configured for EVSE, it only requires the SPI Linux kernel driver to be loaded (which is included in the Linux main line).
If it is configured for host boot, additional software outside of BaseCamp is required to do firmware loading and configuration for EVSE.
If connected via the Ethernet port on QC7006, no special driver is needed in Linux (except for the Ethernet interface driver).
Lumissil CG5317
Fully supported including proprietary extensions for link detection.
Soft reset extensions are not yet in the release, but should not be necessary for this chip if the latest firmware is being used. Contact Lumissil to ensure you have the latest firmware.
If it is booting from an externally attached SPI Flash (attached to the CG5317) and correctly configured for EVSE, it only requires the SPI Linux kernel driver to be loaded. The kernel driver is open source licensed but not included in the main line.
If it is configured for host boot, additional software outside of BaseCamp is required to do firmware loading and configuration for EVSE. You can get these tools under NDA from Lumissil.
A separate Yocto layer can be provided for those tools but requires an NDA with Lumissil and PIONIX needs Lumissil’s agreement to share those tools.
If connected via the Ethernet port, no special driver is needed in Linux (except for the Ethernet interface driver).
Vertexcom MSE-102x
It is auto-detected and supported by the EvseSlac module. Proprietary extensions for link detection and reset are not yet implemented, this is planned for an upcoming release. It may be used without those extensions.
If connected via the Ethernet port, no special driver is needed in Linux (except for the Ethernet interface driver).
BSP for complete controllers
Some controllers are supported natively by BaseCamp and require no additional work for Control Pilot, PLC, relay switching etc. More controllers will be added in the near future.
PHYTEC phyVERSO controller
phyVERSO is fully supported with all features of the hardware for both charging ports (AC and DC).
PIONIX test hardware
All testing hardware from PIONIX is fully supported (BelayBox, uMWC).